Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Day 16??

Ok, so it has been over a month since my last post. A lot has changed over the past month...a lot has also stayed the same! I'm still working on becoming a better boyfriend and just a better person overall. If you know me (like REALLY know me) then you know I was once on fire for God. I believe that God is working on me and has been for quite some time now. Well to make a long story short, I dedicated my life to God...did that for a while, and then something terrible happened...I fell ALL

I went back to my old ways. Smoking weed, cussing like nobody's business, and other things that I'd rather not share. Throughout all of this I would hear God speaking to me...and I would totally and blatantly run the other way! Back to my old ways...when I know that I was born a new person in Christ. They didn't even do the same things for me that they did b4 I had Jesus in my life...but I would still do them.

One day I came up with the idea that I could still do what I wanted (basically smoke and cuss lol) as long as I acknowledged God. Then I realized that pretty much everybody ACKNOWLEDGES God...but there is a huge difference between acknowledging Him...and honoring Him. I started to really hear Him speaking to me through people that aren't schooled in the Scriptures or that maybe haven't ever even read the Bible. I was turning into a huge hypocrite...the one thing that I never wanted to be! Once I realized that...other things started to come into place.

I realized that I was not being all that God had called me to be. I wasn't serving Him the way that I KNEW i was supposed to be! So here I am...trying to get back on the right path..the path that God set for me b4 the foundations of the earth! I'm done lying to myself...I'm done caring what people think (Thats what messed me up in the 1st place)...I'm done relying on myself...and I'm ready to start following Jesus!....(Steps off soap box!!)