Saturday, July 3, 2010

The Conclusion

I've come to the conclusion that I'm focusing on the wrong things. I've been kinda wrapped up in much so that I have forgot about the thing that is more important than that...reading! So i have decided to scratch the 6 month writing project (for now) and focus on reading the Bible and just trying to get a better understanding and learn as much as possible. What can man teach himself that God can not teach a million times better?

Speaking is good, but listening is better. I have to learn more before i can effectively make a difference in someone else's life. In other words, I have to have WISDOM before i can give WISDOM! A wise man told me that reading the Bible is like lifting weights for your spirit man. My spirit man is lookin kinda frail right its time to beef up!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Starting from Scratch....Day 1

Today is the first day of my second attempt to write SOMETHING for this blog for 60 days. Last time I made it to Day 13...before falling off miserably.

Faith. What is faith? Is faith just believing in GOD? Are there different levels of belief? I often find myself struggling with questions like these. After hours and hours of studying, prayer, research, and pondering I came up with an answer. Faith is much more than just believing in GOD. Faith is trusting your LIFE to God and showing fruit from doing so. When you completely TRUST God, you're not afraid to give up the world. You're not worried about the minor things that occur in life. True faith changes you. It changes the way you behave and most of all it changes the way you think. With true faith, you know that God is in control and it is just up to you to carry out the actions.

Over the past 7 months I've learned a lot. I've had my share of ups and downs, but overall I have to say God has been good to me. I haven't been a perfect angel by any means but God chose to keep me. That has been a re-occurring theme in my life over the past year and a half. I'll feel closer than I've ever felt to God...I let my guard down and I'm back to the same downward spiraling habits. One thing leads to another and I find myself back at rock bottom. I feel as if God is calling me to the next level of my life. I just haven't picked up yet......

Thats pretty much all for today....feels good to vent a little bit though...

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Day 17

Have you ever felt insufficient? Like you're not enough? I've found myself feeling this way a lot lately. At times it feels like I'm shorting myself. I'm not being all that I could be. I'm not living my life to the fullest and I'm definitely not making the people around me lives any better. I wish I could change everything about myself. I wish I could just be completely happy with my life. I'm not sure how to accomplish any of these things, but I can at least try.

But where do I start? There is so much about me that needs to change. The first thing I need to change is my attitude. Not just my attitude towards people, but my attitude towards life. I don't think I'm the most negative person in the world, but I think too much. I think about all kinds of possible outcomes that don't even exist. This keeps me from doing a lot of things that I want to do.

Like I said before, there is a LOT that I need to change, but my thoughts are a step. Your thoughts control your actions and the way you feel. I'll work on controlling that. I feel better already. I need to step outside of the box I've been living in and start living life the way it is meant to be lived. I want to love the way I was meant to love. I want to be the person I was born to be. Thats all I have to say today!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Day 16??

Ok, so it has been over a month since my last post. A lot has changed over the past month...a lot has also stayed the same! I'm still working on becoming a better boyfriend and just a better person overall. If you know me (like REALLY know me) then you know I was once on fire for God. I believe that God is working on me and has been for quite some time now. Well to make a long story short, I dedicated my life to God...did that for a while, and then something terrible happened...I fell ALL

I went back to my old ways. Smoking weed, cussing like nobody's business, and other things that I'd rather not share. Throughout all of this I would hear God speaking to me...and I would totally and blatantly run the other way! Back to my old ways...when I know that I was born a new person in Christ. They didn't even do the same things for me that they did b4 I had Jesus in my life...but I would still do them.

One day I came up with the idea that I could still do what I wanted (basically smoke and cuss lol) as long as I acknowledged God. Then I realized that pretty much everybody ACKNOWLEDGES God...but there is a huge difference between acknowledging Him...and honoring Him. I started to really hear Him speaking to me through people that aren't schooled in the Scriptures or that maybe haven't ever even read the Bible. I was turning into a huge hypocrite...the one thing that I never wanted to be! Once I realized that...other things started to come into place.

I realized that I was not being all that God had called me to be. I wasn't serving Him the way that I KNEW i was supposed to be! So here I am...trying to get back on the right path..the path that God set for me b4 the foundations of the earth! I'm done lying to myself...I'm done caring what people think (Thats what messed me up in the 1st place)...I'm done relying on myself...and I'm ready to start following Jesus!....(Steps off soap box!!)