Friday, December 11, 2009

Day 12

Today has been an interesting day. I went to work this morning with every intention of half-assing and doing as little as possible. But when I got to work, I realized how much I enjoy what I do. I'm blessed to be able to interact with the people I have met and I also feel lucky to be able to be exposed to some things that I could only dream of seeing in the past.

There was a press conference today with our new head coach Charlie Strong. Looking at Coach Strong, I see a strong black man who has overcome adversity and unfairness in his career to reach his goals and live out his wildest dreams. When I look at Coach Strong, I see a man who is focused, hard-working, driven, and determined to succeed and prove his critics wrong. Coach Strong is an inspiration for me to succeed in a world where there are very few African-Americans in leadership positions although we make up the majority of the athletes.

The whole purpose of this blog was to help me grow as a person. I want to be able to look back at these entries 170 days from now and think to myself, "Wow, I've really grown up over the past 6 months." In order to do things I've never done, I must try things I've never tried...and go places I've never been.

So the other day I forgot to mention I started reading a new book. Its called 'Don't Sweat the Small Stuff..." by Richard Carlson. I love this book because it is full of wisdom on enjoying life and just becoming a better person overall. The section I read today was called "Learn to Live in the Present." This section talks about how we as people dwell on the past or look ahead to the future rather than enjoying the only time period we actually have any control over...THE PRESENT!

John Lennon once said "Life is what's happening while we're busy making other plans."

The book also says "Many people live is if life were a dress rehearsal for a later date. It isn't. In fact, no one has a guarantee that he or she will be here tomorrow. Now is the only time we have, and the only time we have control over. "

This is probably some of the realest stuff I've ever read. It makes me think about how much I do exactly what they are talking about. I'm often so busy worrying about something that happened yesterday or what might happen tomorrow that I don't get a chance to enjoy the present. We are always in the present so we might as well enjoy it. That is something I am glad that I learned and I will be working on it from here on out.

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