Monday, December 7, 2009

Day 8

My word of the day is HONESTY. Honesty is a rare quality nowadays. It is hard to come by a person who is completely and totally honest at all times. I am no different. I have lied countless times...sometimes about silly things...and other times about serious, more important things.

Here is a good quote about honesty from UofL coach Rick Pitino
"Lying about a problem makes it a part of your future. Telling the truth makes it a part of your past."

The thing about honesty is that it feels sooo good! The truth shall set you free...these are wise words from a decent man...and they couldn't be more true. I experienced this first hand today. I told someone the total, uncensored, honest to God truth today and even though it was a hard thing to felt GREAT! I felt as if a weight had been lifted off of my chest. I still feel good for real. It feels good to be able to go about my day knowing that I have nothing to hide...nothing to be afraid or ashamed of. Today was a good day...and hopefully tonight will be a great night!

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