Sunday, December 6, 2009

Day 7

I feel terrible. I have hurt and disappointed the person I love most. Have you ever changed something about yourself and people don't believe that you really have changed? Or have you ever been known for doing something and you quit doing it, yet people still look at you sideways or expect that thing out of you? That is what I'm going through today. I'm a changed man...believe it or not...I am.

So I have a question for anybody who may read this post...What does someone have to show you to prove that they really have changed? Does it take time? I guess the only way to really prove that you've changed is to act it out everyday. Be consistent in your actions and don't go back to your old ways. Thats me today...just trying to prove it.

I would really love some feedback on this post...


  1. Yeah man you got it. You just gotta be consistent and dont let your old ways show up again.

  2. You're right bra. i've been working on good!
