Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Day 9

I have been chilling all day. Today was "Reading Day" so there was no clas...and I did absolutely no reading! It feels good to just have a day to catch up on relaxing. Seems like I almost forgot what that was since I'm always so busy.

But on another note....I'm really having a good day! God has blessed me with a second (or 9th who's counting) chance at one of the "things" I love most in this world. Just when you start to feel like its over for you...God finds a way to renew you and give you what you want. I'm the happiest I've been in a good minute...and there is no way I'm going to mess this up! It is good to realize and appreciate the good things you have and that is exactly what has been happening to me. I'm done with the unimportant things and people in my life. I've gotten a second chance at happiness! I'm taking advantage of opportunities that will help me get where I am trying to go.

I have a vision of having the perfect family with the perfect career. I want to have perfect balance and harmony in my life...and there is nothing that is going to stop me from getting that...not even the biggest enemy of all...MYSELF!

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